
martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

After 18 days Steampunk Hands Around the World

Our friends, Marcus R. Gilman, (the "R" is for R'lyeh) and Josué Ramos from Spain, both wrote a review about how they see Steampunk Hands having reached the middle of its development.

Also Andreas Dresen from Germany wrote a Provisional Balance (in german) after 15 days since Kevin made the kick off in the Airship Ambassador´s blog.

And from Czech Republic, in the blog Skyful of Airships (Nebe plné vzducholodíyou can see a review in czech after a week.

This blog often regularly have visitors from around the world, so we thought that we should focus more on direct hits on issuu and we find ourselves really quite surprised.

As you can see our readers around the world are, indeed, from all over the world!!

You can see places like USA, Canadá, México, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgary, Greece, Russian Federation, China, Japan, Australia and Egypt!!!

So if we have reached one person, in every continent of the planet, that have read this special issue, only 18 days after started, I think that means we have achieved our goal.

A special thanks to all and every one who participated in this issue of the magazine. And especially to Kevin for bringing us all

Keep joining steampunk hands.


sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014